
It started with a dream. A dream of living somewhere in the country but not too far out in the country. A place with more land, more bedrooms, more space. A place with room to grow and for new memories to be made. A place where all the noise makers in our house could go outside and be as loud as they needed to without disrupting every neighbor.

We looked at other houses for a 3-4 years while living in our tiny starter home. We dearly loved our little house we had made our own, but it was bursting at the seams. We had 3 little ones sharing a room. Then in 2017, 3 became 4 and we rearranged beds again. We were told the previous homeowners raised 5 children in that house. We knew it was possible to raise our boys there, but we weren’t exactly sure how. If I could bottle the energy of these little boys and sell it, I would be a very rich woman.

Then, one day it happened. A real estate post card showed up with everything we ever dreamed of and then some. It checked every box. We went to see it and made the impulsive decision to put an offer in even though we were the third offer that day! We knew the odds weren’t great for us to be able to get it, but we still hoped. When the call came that we got the house, we were dumbfounded. There are still days that we look at each other, our children, and our beautiful house and wonder how we got so lucky. I guess the saying is true, good things come to those who wait.

“The rest is history” as they say. Design plans started swirling in my head and we slowly started making changes to this amazing, well loved home.